black and white bed linen

Avaliação Antropométrica Eficaz

Com mais de 25 anos de experiência, ofereço avaliações práticas e integradas em Fortaleza-CE.

Avaliação Antropométrica

Oferecemos avaliações corporais precisas e personalizadas, com mais de 25 anos de experiência na área.

Metodologia Eficaz

Integração de diferentes metodologias para oferecer resultados práticos e confiáveis em avaliações corporais.


Depois de anos ministrando aulas em cursos de pós-graduação em Fortaleza-CE, percebi que poderia contribuir mais em aulas particulares sobre antropometria e avaliação física.

A experiência do Marcio em antropometria é excepcional, suas avaliações são precisas e muito eficazes.

João Silva

A person wearing a black outfit is performing a high kick against a plain, light-colored background. The pose suggests energy and balance, with a focused facial expression and tension in the raised leg. The individual has their hair tied up, emphasizing a sense of discipline and strength.
A person wearing a black outfit is performing a high kick against a plain, light-colored background. The pose suggests energy and balance, with a focused facial expression and tension in the raised leg. The individual has their hair tied up, emphasizing a sense of discipline and strength.
A person is performing a plank exercise on a mat, using a medicine ball for added balance and difficulty. The individual is dressed in athletic wear, including a red shirt and black shorts. This activity is taking place in a gym setting, as indicated by the mirrored wall and various exercise equipment in the background.
A person is performing a plank exercise on a mat, using a medicine ball for added balance and difficulty. The individual is dressed in athletic wear, including a red shirt and black shorts. This activity is taking place in a gym setting, as indicated by the mirrored wall and various exercise equipment in the background.
